Monday, July 19, 2010


First day of class, like finally.
One week of doing absolutely nothing,
except shopping and watching nutrient-less drama in the room.

Was amazed by my lecturer's fluent English today.
Thank god there's finally one Malay lecturer in my faculty
who can speak proper English without too many grammar mistakes.
Paid full attention in my class
before the sleepiness came looking for me,
and by the end of the class I was being knocked out wtf.

Anyway, the first class today was Marine Ecosystem.
Like it as there're only a few boring lab sessions,
and we get to go to several places OUT OF THE CLASS throughout the whole semester
because the course is all about habitats of living marine organisms.
Probably going to mangrove and beach areas.
I was so happy just by hearing it from the lecturer.
Hola to the fresh air, and all my cute tiny organisms!

It started to rain AGAIN when I was waiting for the bus after class.
I think I am gonna have the word 'rain'
in 10 to 20 of my coming posts,
because it just wouldn't stop raining here since the day I reached.
See, there's another 'rain' word in the sentence.
But still, I prefer wetness than hotness and humidity.
Today I got to use my handy, coolest ever Esprit umbrella.

p/s  There's a girl in my Spanish class who looks 85% like Xiaxue.
Especially her teeth. Oh gosh I couldn't stop staring at her.

p/s/s The word NANO in Nanowhite is not named after its absorption within nanoseconds,
but one of the ingredients in the product, Nanopeptide,
which it is said to be able to replenish depleted moisture
and minimize signs of ageing and pigmentation.

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