Saturday, January 28, 2012


A tourist was on a boat and he asked the boat guy:
Do you know Biology, Psychology, Geology, Geography?
The boat guy said NO to all the questions.
The tourist then said:
What the hell do you know on the face of this earth? You will die of illiteracy!
After a while, the boat started sinking,
so the boat man asked the tourist:
Do you know Swimology and Escapology from Crocodilogy?
The tourist said: No!
The boat guy replied:
Well, you will Drownology, and Crocodilogy will eat your Bodilogy
and you will Dielogy because of your Badmouthology.

Value of the story: Never underestimate.

Never look down on anyone
because every person on this Earth has something in him/her
that maybe you cannot even imagine of.

I despise those who judge people based on education level.
It only shows how shallow those people are.
The world is so big with new knowledge popping out everyday
and yet some people choose to judge 
by looking at the numbers and words on a thin paper.
Shallow.  Pathetically shallow.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


OK I am now officially a pimply nerd.
Even concealer cannot cover all the acne and the scars.
This is the first time I am actually feeling sad about my skin condition.
My confidence has dropped so low that
now I cannot face myself when I look into the mirror
so I avoid mirrors;
I don't take pictures anymore;
and when I talk to people, I can't look them in the eyes
because I am afraid I will see them looking at the imperfections on my face.
This is really exhausting.

I think I have put my trust on the wrong product.
Now I know, not every product under a famous brand is good.
Some are; some maybe are mere craps.
I don't care how deep the product can cleanse;
how effective the product the previous users found;
or how great it is for oily skin,
I am going back to Hada Labo.

I hope I can get my old skin back as soon as possible
because living in low confidence is really devastating,
especially for a camwhore like me.
Seriously every time I take a picture now and I look at it,
I feel sad and it kills me.
I feel even sadder when I look at my old pictures.
How can my skin turn so bad when I once had good skin?
Why do I change my skincare routine?
Why did I pay so much and get such bad skin in return?
If my skin is still shitty after a week,
sorry guys, I will have to hide at home and not attend any gathering.

I am such a self-conscious freak.
I know, but I cannot help it.
Blame the horoscope.

Monday, January 2, 2012

First post in 2012.

Finals officially start tomorrow.
Going to Starbucks to study again because staying at home makes me sleepy.
I tried to concentrate yesterday but to no avail -
I fell asleep from 12pm till 3pm.  Holy shit.
Lunch first with friends at 12.30pm before Starbucks
so I guess I could blog a little since it is only 11.42am.

So it is a brand new year.
The end of the world? Hmph. 
At least I had fun in the past 21 years 
and I have known so many awesome people. :)

New Year Eve was surprisingly fun.
Thought I was going to spend alone that night,
so when I was going home from Starbucks,
I dropped by 7-11 and bought

That was my initial plan - drink and watch movie in the room.
Studied for the whole day thus looking all tired and messy in the picture.
Then I received a call, and transformed into

Still looked tired but at least not messy liao.

Friends then gathered at my place
then we headed to Tanjung Aru.
It is a public beach and is usually crowded during weekends.
KK people like to hang out along the beach.
It was so happening that night.

Sorry for the blur picture.
All the pictures are like that because people kept moving.
The beach was packed; restaurants and pubs all full-housed;
people even played in the sea. -________-
I'd never seen Tanjung Aru this packed!
There was a small stage in the middle of the cemented pathway
with DJ mixing lousy club hitz
but only people with white attires were allowed in.
So we found ourselves a table outside of a pub after about half an hour of searching
and ordered beers. <3

I love alcohol.

When the clock hit 12, unexpectedly there were fireworks!
Made me so happy man.
And while we were drinking we saw some more fireworks 
played along the seasides near Tanjung Aru.
So pretty!

Oh I shall go change now.
Happy 2012, people!
Forget about the end of the world and zombie apocalypse
and have a great year!
Appreciate and cherish everything around you.
