Saturday, January 28, 2012


A tourist was on a boat and he asked the boat guy:
Do you know Biology, Psychology, Geology, Geography?
The boat guy said NO to all the questions.
The tourist then said:
What the hell do you know on the face of this earth? You will die of illiteracy!
After a while, the boat started sinking,
so the boat man asked the tourist:
Do you know Swimology and Escapology from Crocodilogy?
The tourist said: No!
The boat guy replied:
Well, you will Drownology, and Crocodilogy will eat your Bodilogy
and you will Dielogy because of your Badmouthology.

Value of the story: Never underestimate.

Never look down on anyone
because every person on this Earth has something in him/her
that maybe you cannot even imagine of.

I despise those who judge people based on education level.
It only shows how shallow those people are.
The world is so big with new knowledge popping out everyday
and yet some people choose to judge 
by looking at the numbers and words on a thin paper.
Shallow.  Pathetically shallow.

1 comment:

sem said...

ada meaning har, make me feel guilty, sometime i just judge ppl from their faces/ outlook/ education levels... :(