Thursday, January 19, 2012


OK I am now officially a pimply nerd.
Even concealer cannot cover all the acne and the scars.
This is the first time I am actually feeling sad about my skin condition.
My confidence has dropped so low that
now I cannot face myself when I look into the mirror
so I avoid mirrors;
I don't take pictures anymore;
and when I talk to people, I can't look them in the eyes
because I am afraid I will see them looking at the imperfections on my face.
This is really exhausting.

I think I have put my trust on the wrong product.
Now I know, not every product under a famous brand is good.
Some are; some maybe are mere craps.
I don't care how deep the product can cleanse;
how effective the product the previous users found;
or how great it is for oily skin,
I am going back to Hada Labo.

I hope I can get my old skin back as soon as possible
because living in low confidence is really devastating,
especially for a camwhore like me.
Seriously every time I take a picture now and I look at it,
I feel sad and it kills me.
I feel even sadder when I look at my old pictures.
How can my skin turn so bad when I once had good skin?
Why do I change my skincare routine?
Why did I pay so much and get such bad skin in return?
If my skin is still shitty after a week,
sorry guys, I will have to hide at home and not attend any gathering.

I am such a self-conscious freak.
I know, but I cannot help it.
Blame the horoscope.

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