Saturday, May 15, 2010

First outing of the sembreak.

Back from a gathering with the dudes.
Had freaking 3 packets of onion rings in Burger King.
Yes, there's a Burger King in Ipoh now.
Great.  Another fast food outlet.
A better chill-out place than the Mcd.
They have cozy sofas and cooler air-conds.

I prefer going out with guys compared to outings with girls.
Exception to my SS darlings, of course.
They are always my number 1 BFFs
and they are the only ones
who make me laugh like shit EVERY SINGLE TIME I meet them. :)
Where else to find people like them?
I am so blessed.

Guys spill everything knowing the limits
(except those evil ones whose words are not processed by the brain
before they come out from the mouth)
and I swear they will never lose to girls in gossiping.
Most of my juicy gossips I got them from the guys.
Hence I change my gender when I go out with dudes.
They can swear a lot in front of me,
because they know I don't mind.
It is actually funny listening to their swearings.
I'll always be like HAHAHAHAHAHA continue continue.
And so they swear like nobody's business now
when no other 'polite' girls are around. LOL.

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