Monday, June 1, 2009

I am tired.

I am tired of listening to my parents' lectures about what a loser I am.
I am tired of pretending to be interested in their lectures
just because I don't want them to think I don't appreciate them.
I am tired of answering their questions
about where I think my future lies and what am I supposed to do now
because that bloody USM doesn't want to be good to me.

Oh please.
Sometimes I loathe them so much
for being so overprotective.
Too much love can somehow kill.

Please please please,
I beg you.
Put yourselves in my shoes
and ditch the thought that I am immature and stubborn,
and that everything your friends tell is always true.
As my friend said back then,
the most worrying situation is when your mum is surrounded by a group of 8 po.
That is so true.

My life is in such a mess.


gackyz said...

cheer up guek. i treat u choc banana when we meet up again k. to boost some endorphin to u :D

Xinjue´ said...

thank u gac :)

gackyz said...

i suka choc banana too. kakak. who is the next birthday girl in utr weyy?

Xinjue´ said...

23rd of june right?
or 22nd?
around that time lo I remember