Saturday, May 16, 2009

Just some rantings

The condition of this crappy laptop is getting worse.
It was super lagged yesterday
I couldn't even blogged properly.
Guess it would probably stop functioning a few days later.

Been staying at home 24/7 for the whole week.
The whole bloody week.
Didn't stepped out of the gate even once.
This is a pathetic life of a 19-year-old
who doesn't have a car and is not allowed to drive.
My license is totally useless.
And it actually expired last month
but I don't bother to renew it because that's no point doing it.

Life is really boring.
Nothing special happens lately
so I won't be updating frequently.
Plus my laptop is really shitty
and I have to deal with the parents who are undergoing the menopause stage,
including my dad,
which is a freaking annoying thing
because their mood swings are like more dramatic than a teenager.

Going out for Angels & Demons with friends later.
Thank God.


gackyz said...

haha. angels n demons. eh dun say ur papa like tht le. he is so cute ):):): :P

Xinjue´ said...

your papa is cuter
and he is so kind
he asked me when is julia coming back