Thursday, May 5, 2011

Finally a decent post.

Hola! This is the recent fat me.
Dark circles came out again due to the sleepless pre-exam nights.
Eyes are swollen thus got eyebags and a little double eyelids. Muahaha.
The red dot on the nose is the pimple I popped in the weekend.
And it is still here now.
Everyone notices it first when they saw me
because it is at the highest spot on my face. Zzzzz.
This one is such an attention seeker.

Course mate who is blessed with a good body
said he saw my bloated tummy.
OMG this is so embarrassing.
Started my sit-up routine again yesterday.
Please don't be fooled by my arms and legs.
I'll only get fat on the face and tummy.
Thanks to my dad for giving me the gene code of having slim arms and legs.
I heard that arms and legs are the parts
where the fats are the hardest to lose.
At least I don't have to worry about my arms much when I wear sleeveless tops.
And I kind of often show my legs
because there's nothing interesting on my upper body. Haha.

Here are some pictures in my iPod
that could usually be seen only in my Twitter.
Put them here now because I wanna make you hungry.
Ngek ngek ngek.

Nyonya fried rice in love shape! Cute or not!

Hong Kong cheese-baked pork chop rice.

McD breakfast. Somehow it became one of my usual breakfast
because it is so convenient to get.

Sushi Tei Ebi Don.

Sushi Tei. Kappa maki on the left and fried Ebi on the right.
So freaking yummy.
Some would think I am weird 
because I always order Kappa maki whenever I enter a Japanese Restaurant.
Not many people knows how to enjoy eating Kappa maki.

My darling Java Chips.

Kenny Roger's Roaster's muffins.

How can you not drool when you see this?

Yay it has my name on it.

Green Tea Cream Frap.
The best companion when I was dealing with traffic jam.

New flavour I just got yesterday! 

OK I admit I have been eating quite much lately.
Some of the pictures above are taken long time ago
but all are taken this semester.
The stress was so intense so I rewarded myself by feeding myself good food.
So, hello fat tyre tummy! T.T
I think I'll still share food pictures here
because after the last paper I am gonna celebrate with the course mates
and for sure we would go hunt for good food.

By the way this is a random word search game in my iPod
that understands me superbly well.

See, got pimple, nose, blood, and regret.

p/s To cure the pimple I bought Oxy5 Acne Pimple Cream today
and it is so freaking effective!!!!
It scares me.
I put it on before typing this post,
and just now when I went to check it out,
the pimple has shrunken to almost half of the original size wtf!!!

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