Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Exception no more.

Hola amigos!
Yours Truly is finally back.
It sounds so long ago although the post before was posted only 3 days ago.
I used to update my blog so often
it kind of turns into my favourite pastime,
or perhaps you can call it a habit.

There was no wireless service in the house for a few days
because some telephone or modem wires got spoiled somehow.
The library wireless sucks too.
I miss Facebook and Blogger so freaking much.

Without the internet, life had been a bitch.
Because without the internet, I had more time for myself
and I started to think a lot
and an emotional person like me
will always have a lot of negative thoughts popped out in the head.

Life is so busy lately,
everybody around me is always busy with their own work,
hence less time is spent together,
and that links me with a feeling called lonely.
I still can't believe I would feel this way
because this feeling had never bothered me in any way.
I had my family with me all the time,
and they would never leave me alone
although sometimes it was in the bad way.

After I left home for studies, I had never been feeling lonely either.
New course mates, new friends to hang out with,
new roommate, and a boyfriend who cared even though we are like 800 miles away.
So many new places to explore,
so many new knowledge to gain,
so many new faces to remember.
I used to look forward to every night for the warm-hearted goodnight calls,
they gave me the thought of someone still cares,
but now those cold phone calls mean almost nothing to me.
It is ebbing.
Talks about eternity.

I have been reading a lot since I got back here.
Although works are still in a large shitty pile,
I've done my parts, and other parts I don't even wanna give it a damn.
So leave me alone, you witch.

Sorry for making you read my rants.
Had too much in mind.
I know I sound desperate enough though.
Anyway I feel more comfortable now.


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