Sunday, June 27, 2010

Job done.

Yo my fellow readers.
My three-days job had finally ended.
So I am once again free as a bird to rant in this blog.

This time I worked as a translator
in a China Expo held in Ipoh Stadium.
My job was mainly walking around,
and when there were Malays or Indians trying to talk to those China people,
we went forward and helped them with the translation.

I don't wanna talk about how badly done the expo was,
or how bad and unfair we were treated by the China people,
it will definitely waste my energy to type,
make my blog ugly,
and kill my dear body cells.
Besides all the shit things that happened during work,
I had a great time with all my working pals. :)
They are all fun and nice people.
I am grateful that I took this job anyhow,
because it gave me a chance to see the ugliness of the society,
as I saw how realistic and self-centered some people could be.
Realism turns a homosapien into an ugly monster.

I realized that my working hours increase after every job I took.
My first job I worked as a part-timer in Poney for 4 hours a day.
Second job was the Digi promoter. 8 hours per day.
This translator job is my third job. 10 hours per day.
Crazy or not?
Anyway, time passes faster when there are great companions.
Unlike Digi job, despite working with Sasa,
every minute is like an hour.

I think my Mandarin and Cantonese improved jor.
Now I can speak Mandarin with a little fake China slang.
And a complete sentence in Cantonese. :)

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