Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Guilty discovery.

I just found out the awesomeness of my baby blue Sony.
I had been so stupid
until I read a blog of a famous blogger who is given a chance
to test the latest Sony DSC-TX5 underwater camera.

She uses different modes to snap different stuff,
and I have to say Sony cameras are really amazing.
All the photos are so nice with nil photoshop.
On the other hand, my camera mode
is always set as 'Intelligent Auto Adjustment'
because I am lazy to test all the modes.
It is such an insult to my camera oh my gosh.
I am such a lousy owner.

From now on I am gonna ditch the auto mode
and try to snap pictures with other awesome modes
like soft snap, landscape, twilight and etc.
There is even a scene selection in my camera modes,
for photographers to snap specific stuff
like food,  the beach, snow, underwater and even fireworks!
Yay I can use the beach mode in Redang hehehe.

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