Thursday, March 11, 2010


I have got so many things to do!
It is almost the end of the semester
but assignments and reports just keep flowing in!
What's in those lecturers' minds?

Anyway Spanish class was fun.
Learnt adjectives today.
Kept playing with the words with my coursemate
("Tu feo!","Tu barata!","Myron bajo!","Jian Hao raro!" ).
Lecturer asked us all to make a sentence using the verbs.
I talked about my sis.
Mi hermana monta en bicicleta en el parque todos los dias.
(My sister rides the bicycle in the park everyday.)
Mui mui, see, I miss you that much.
Make sentences also thought of you only.

Okay I don't know what's the purpose of blogging about all these.
I just wanna type.
I have a lot to do but I am bored. :/

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