Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Korean yums.

Housemates brought me out for Korean food.
Yum yum yum, it was so satisfying.
Their rice cakes were so good!

It took us about 20 minutes of car ride
from our place to the restaurant located near the town.
Their Korean food is very very different from the ones I took in West M'sia.
The first time I took Korean food was with SS,
the first impression the food gave me was SPICY, and nothing else.
Whenever people mention about Korean food,
the thing that pops up in my head was the spicy-ness.
Especially kimchi soup.
One sip of the soup could turn me into Angelina Jolie.
Beh tahan.

But this restaurant serves Koren food that is not spicy at all.
I am not kidding.
None of the food is spicy although all the food looks spicy.
I was like Are we really taking Korean food wtf?
and finished the food in disbelief.
For the very first time my tongue wasn't numb after taking kimchi soup.
Anyhow the foods are still arts.
So leng, but I freaking forgot to bring my camera.  :(

p/s  Daorae still serves the best pork! I miss Daorae!

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