Sunday, January 31, 2010


Second post of the day.

I am bored.
I have piles of assignments and reports awaiting
but I feel like throwing them into the toilet
and flush them all away.
Assignments and reports are boring.

Am waiting for Big Bang's comeback
and I am like waiting for gazillion years already.
Downloaded Girls Generation's new album.
Not bad, but not as good as Gee.
They are attractive girls, undeniably.
I was like repeating their MVs over and over again
because they all look so sweet and innocent.

Housemate went all childish again.
He locked the door
when I was out throwing rubbish into the big rubbish bin by the roadside.
It was so childish I didn't even wanna shout.
I just stand by the door and waited for him to unlock it.
And he was like 'Eh? I thought you would scream like help! help!'
Did I mention about his age?
He is 25 this year.

Tomorrow is Monday.
Oh I hate mondays.

I am bored.
Tell me what I can do.


cmeng said...

i super love the song 'star star star'~~
recently me dah jadi snsd fans ==
mau save me ke ? XDD
take care over there ya~~

Xinjue´ said...

star star star?
genie ke??
LOL lu har!
cannot betray TVXQ~ XD
u take care too especially when u r with cong XDD