Saturday, January 23, 2010


A coursemate of mine messaged me just a moment ago,
asking me am I a pure Chinese.
I was like OF COURSE LA.
Even though a lot of people mistaken me as a Malay
due to my freaking dark skin tone my mom described as hitam manis.
(Love you, mommy!)
Then he said somebody told him both of my parents are Malay
after he/she read my blog.

I copied that article from an email
as I think it's awesome.
I wanna declare that I, moi, saya, wo, yo, watashi am truly a PURE chinese.
No matter how dark my skin becomes.
Because it is impossible to have chinese parents giving birth to a Malay baby.

p/s Am having sore throat but I had tomyam soup for dinner
because my housemates couldn't finish the food
and asked for help.
I hope I still have my voice tomorrow.

p/s/s I am gonna change my blog song to a really noisy one.


gackyz said...

ppl say me Thai. I lagi HURT ): ): ):

Xinjue´ said...

Thai not good meh?
all Thai actresses in dramas & movies are lengluis k! :)