Sunday, December 21, 2008



Good news are coming to me. Haha. Just received a call from AhFan asking me to go for a Genting trip. Excited! Even though Genting is no more a freshie for me. Haven't been there for quite a long time and I miss the breezy, cool weather. This time going with my crazy high school friends. Just like the sweet old days that I miss so much!

Can't wait to shake all the dust off my body and get myself out of my house. I miss the clear blue sky and the lush greenery, not forgetting the long white beaches. Can somebody kindly bring me for a stroll at the seaside with breathtaking scenery? Lolx.

p/s I need a nice top for christmas!!


gackyz said...

why dun bring him go?
only weewungwung mai so weird??? T.T
accompany me la weyyy sui guek

Julia said...

but make sure it's even number wor...for rides hehehehe :DDD

Xinjue´ said...

NOW he wanna go
but train tickets bought
so left your weewungwung

now odd number wei