Monday, February 21, 2011


Today's a great day.

Sis got 4 Flat.
Yes! 4 Flat! 4.0 cgpa!
Was so happy when I got the news
and what was on my mind atm was hop onto a plane,
get myself home, hug my sis, and jump around.
And I was so excited I almost cried.
Ya I know I am a drama queen.
My friends were like What? Why you have nothing good like your sis? See how you look.

Second thing is,
a Chinese course mate and a good uni friend of mine
participated in an election of Student Council today,
and among the 7 candidates representing my faculty,
he won, like really, really unexpectedly.
He never participated in the politics of the uni,
and he only started to join the organizing crews of big events last sem,
so we reckoned only a small amount of people know his face
because usually only those who are active in huge projects in the uni win these kind of lame elections.
But he won. Hallelujah.
Although elections in uni are lame,
those people participating say lots of nonsense before elections
like we will make this uni a better place yada yada,
waste papers by printing their faces on them and paste them all over the uni polluting the place,
ask people to vote, win the elections, goyang kaki in meetings,
at last do nothing but enjoying air-cond in their office.
But he is happy. So I am happy for him. :)
It's kind of a miracle. That he won. Haha.

My sis' result isn't a miracle though.
She totally deserves it.
Jie jie wanna let you know that
I am very very proud of you.
I believe dad and mom are too.
And the whole family too.
Bet popo's gonna keep the papers and frame them. Hahaha.
Love you to bits, muah. ♥

p/s Sis is on night paper liao. Hahahaha.

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