Sunday, August 2, 2009

Recent updates

Just got the news from my seniors,
saying that the uni will probably be closing for a week starting from tomorrow.
Just so you know,
there're already four cases of positive H1N1 in my uni,
and 1 is dead on Friday night,
according to my friend's lecturer.
Everyone started to wear masks,
and I got myself 5, just in case.

it was my course's Family Day last Saturday.
All of us first-years and the seniors went to Pulau Mamutik. :)
We went to the port by a bus sekolah,
which resembled a size of a kindergarten bus.
No kidding.
Next, we took a boat to the island.
The boat riding was crazily, horribly, omg-ly exciting,
it's even more exciting than the boring rollar coaster in Genting.
The crazy boat driver drove the boat in such a high speed,
plus the wind was a bit too strong yesterday,
causing the waves to be bigger than usual.
So bumpy can die.
Overall it was a nice trip.
The beach here is not as polluted as east Malaysia,
and the sea water is so so clear,
I could see so many small fishes swimming
when I looked down into the water from the port.

I'd better go clean my room before I doze off in front of the laptop.
Just got back from uni,
so sweaty and sleepy.
By the way,
I moved into my new room!
Super duper happy.
The room is so so so much more comfy and nicer and cleaner than my hostel room in the uni.
I took a lot of photos of the Pulau Mamutik trip and my room,
but too shitty there's something wrong with my USB.
Will upload all of them when I get it fixed.

Have a nice day.
And of course,
to Miss liang liang Wearn Phooi Ling,
I miss you so much!

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