Friday, February 15, 2013

Post-Valentine's symptoms.

I know I should feel grateful
that the boyfriend drove all the way from the north
to see me on Valentine's
and to put himself on the boyfriend scale in front of my family and friends.
I do feel grateful
but now, I feel a bigger portion of lost.
It is like you being a person with a sweet tooth,
suddenly you have an unlimited supply of cakes after a long craving,
then your mom says no and takes it away,
leaving only creams and crumbs all over your mouth.
Get the feeling?
Well, it sucks.

Nevertheless I had an amazing Valentine's Day.
No flowers, no surprises, no candlelight
but we are people of anti-mainstream
so it was alright.
We are so anti-mainstream that
we watched A GOOD DAY TO DIE HARD on Valentine's Day.

I mean, who watch Bruce Willis on Valentine's Day on a couple seat in the cinema?
The guy who sold the tickets was like Are you sure?
Do you want another movie like, here, The Wedding Diary?
No?! How about Together??
Then I was like NO I WANT DIE HARD for 3 freaking times.
And we had pizza for dinner like barbarians while laughing like idiots.
That is the fun thing of having a boyfriend who is also your best friend.
You can do all the stupid and crazy things together
and tease each other without having to fear that he/she will get angry,
at the same time enjoy the love and care for each other.

Had breakfast with the family
and chilled with SS after dinner
and guess what,
the boyfriend passed all the 'tests' with flying colours.
My mom loves him even more; my dad never refers him as a 'friend' anymore;
and my SS loupos say they are happy for me.
I knew it all along because he is just too awesome to be hated. ;)
He is the only guy in the world, after my parents,
who says I look hot when I am in pajamas and my grandma specs
and always frowns when I say I'd never ditch contact lens and cosmetics.
He is the only guy in the world who would drive an-hour journey
to get me the sweater I said nice but is too expensive for me to buy.
He is the only guy who can make me smile when I am angry within 3 minutes.
He is the only guy who respects my parents like his own.
He is the only guy who says pink is for sissies
but still willing to have high tea with me in Hello Kitty Cafe.
The list goes on and on and on and he is just plain awesome.
All he does are tiny, little things
but for me, it is all the little things that matters.

Long-distance relationship is like maths.
If you do every step carefully with patience,
you will get the best solution;
otherwise, with doubt and lack of confidence and effort,
you would probably stop halfway.
It is because of LDR that we appreciate our every moment together
as we do not know when is the next time we meet each other.
And the most important thing is, we never take each other or anything for granted.
Those long stares during meals.
The way he loves and sniffs at my hair every 5 minutes.
The scent of his perfume.
The way our fingers intertwined.
Our endless conversations.
These are the things that make me keep falling deeper.

Thank you, all Gods in the universe,
for giving me the perfect Valentine.


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