Saturday, April 30, 2011

End of Torture-Week 1.

So, the first week of exam month had ended peacefully.
Without breaking down and going nuts
but with a few sleepless nights. :(
Really, the fatigue after that is no joke can.
Super torturing can die.
Now I feel like I am having jet lag wtf.

To celebrate the end of the first week,
yesterday after the paper in the morning,
I went straight to 1B and spent the whole afternoon there.
Watch Thor and it wasn't that bad.
Not as bad as what Gac says in Twitter
'THOR is a lame movie. almost like power rangers yerrr.'
Gac, you made me so struggled when I was going to buy tickets lo.
I was like 'HUH THOR AH? My friend say like power rangers movie one wo!'
but friends don't care so we went for it still.
The graphic was so awesome.
And the hero's body, tsk tsk tsk, EYE CANDY wey.
Although the hammer thing was really a little lame. LOL.

Then at night watched Fast & Furious 5.
Fast 5 is not as awesome as the previous F&F.
Too little racing scenes and not as many nice cars to watch!
I was expecting racings and deafening background music
with a lot of screeching of engines and tyres,
but it kinda disappoints me.
The movie was still nice, the climax was awesome,
but they should have added more racing scenes.
It is Fast and Furious series kan.

Am going to 1B again later. For

Remember Padini used to be my favourite brand?

These few days are so frigging hot.
Better go to a place with air-cond than sweat in the room.
Hope to get some good bargains.
I need tank tops and more short pants.

Friend got me the first McD coke cup! ♥♥♥

Tonight's my friend's birthday partay.
Wee wee wee wee so excited!

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