Friday, November 13, 2009

My dear cinema.

First day of it releasing.
Just done with this week's exams
so went for it with coursemates to destress a tad bit. :)

Overall it is not bad.
Worth watching but not as gan jiong as The Day After Tomorrow.
There were only tsunamis and earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
But there's something new like the arks la.
Quite interesting.
Plus the effects of the disasters were awesome.
I was like swearing throughout the movie, man.
There were some scenes that makes felt like crying out loud.
You know, those like when the son knows his dad has to die
but couldn't help and the dad just want the son to be safe
and they say I love you to each other in tears kind of scenes.
I hate to watch all these scenes coz they make me emotional
but disaster movies would be incomplete without them.
I love all those scenes at the same time what the hell.

The cinema was so full we had to get separate seats.
So there's one uncle on my left and one auntie beside me.
I wonder is every elder watch movie in such a serious mode.
They were completely silent throughout the movie
except when the auntie complaint about some guy kicking her seat.
So sien can die.

Anyway, a great movie, though.
Grab your tickets peeps! :D

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