Saturday, February 28, 2009

Imma loyal CLEO fan.

There is this column in the March issue
about lessons not to pick up from movies
which I found it very amusing.

If the bad guy looks dead,
do not try to approach him to check if he is dead.
Also do not go back to repeatedly to kick him to ensure he stays down.
If the bad guy is coming after you with an axe,
do not stand there and waste time screaming.
If the bad guy is outside your house and playing mind games with you,
do not dare him to come and get you.
(numerous horror films)

If you're in a ship,
don't say things like 'this ship is unsinkable'
because that is just tempting fate.

If you find yourself being chased by zombies,
impersonating one and walking amongst them probably won't work.
(Shaun Of The Dead)


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